jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

The World Cafe (song)

Is there something that you want?
Is there anything you need?
Have you made up your mind
what you want to eat?
Place your order now,, or do you need more time?
Why no star with some juice- lemon,orange,or lime?
Some like it hot, some like it sweet, some like it really spicy.
You may not like everything you eat, but I think we're doing nicely.

I can understan every word you say.
Tonight we're speaking Enlish at The World Cafe.
I'll take the main course now.
I think I'll have the fish.
Does it come with a choice of another dish?
Excuse me waiter, please-
I think I'm in the mood for a little dessert, anda the cake look goods.
Do you know? Are there any low fat desserts that we could try now?
I feel like having a bowl of fruit.
Do you have to say good bye now?

El Mundo del Cafe
Hay algo que desee?
Hay algo que necesite?
Ya tiene en mente lo que comera?
Digame su orden o necesita mas tiempo?
Porque no empieza con un poco de jugo- limon, naranja, o lima?
Algo caliente, dulce o realmente enchiloso.
Quiza no le guste todo lo que comas
Pero creo que estamos haciendolo bien.
Puedo entender cada palabra que diga.
Esta noche estamos hablando Ingles en el mundo de Cafe.
Creo que tenemos pescado.
Vendra con otra opcion de otro plato?
Disculpe mesero- Creo que tengo ganas de un peque;o postre, y el pastel se ve bien.
Hay algun postre bajo en grasas que me podria traer?
Creo tener un plato de frutas.
Tiene que decir adios ahora!?

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011

 Unit Wrap-Up

A woman is calling the tecnician because her television is not working.
 The grandparents are watching photos in the computer.
He is listening to music.
The hair dryer is not working.

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

The Douglas Family

Michael Douglas is son of  Diana Dill and Kirk Douglas. He has a brother named Joel.
He has a step mother that is Anne Douglas and two half brothers Peter and Eric.
He is divorced with Diandra Douglas and both have a son named Cameron.
Michael get married with Catherine Zeta-Jones.Both born in Sept 25.They have two children Dylan Michael and Carys. Catherine is daughter of David and Pat Jones. She has two brothers David and Lyndon.

martes, 18 de octubre de 2011

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Wednesday 12 starts the Copa Tec and ends in Friday 14 and the team of Tecnologico win the third place.

jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

Introduce me

Mary introduce Sheryl to Mr. Moretti.
Bob introduce him self to Mr. Moretti.
All the persons in the office want to meet Mr. Moretti because he is a famous singer.
Mary do an interview to Mr. Moretti.
Mary was happy because she has Mr. Moretti's phone number.
Paul starts to sing a song he is a tour guide.
Mary is from Paris.